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MRP Foundation is giving you 100 reasons to smile

Part of MRP Foundation’s mandate is to donate to worthy causes and 2015 has seen 100 organisations receiving donations.

Part of MRP Foundation’s mandate is to donate to worthy causes and 2015 has seen 100 organisations receiving donations.


11 November 2015. MRP Foundation is passionate about seeing South Africa flourish. That’s why we invest in youth through sustainable and innovative programmes and also spread the love to a range of goodwill organisations.

Part of MRP Foundation’s mandate is to donate to worthy causes and 2015 has seen 100 organisations receiving donations in the form of MRP, MRP Home, MRP Sport vouchers and Sheet Street.

The range of beneficiaries include creches, schools, bursary funds, community organisations and places of safety that all have one common thread – they’re making a difference in the lives of the South African youth.

And here are some of the amazing organisations the MRP Foundation has assisted this year.

Inkanyezi Creche and Community Centre, Durban

Described as a ‘beacon of hope’ in the Chesterville community Inkanyezi is a place for young children to be nurtured in both body and mind. The nonprofit was able to purchase much-needed window blinds for the colourful creche and MRP clothing for children’s uniforms, a small but significant donation to the creche.

Booysen Park Secondary School, Port Elizabeth

This no-fee school was over the moon to receive donations in the form of MRP Sport vouchers to purchase sporting equipment. The MRP Foundation strongly believes that a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind so loves to help schools with their physical education programmes. Some of the items purchased for the school’s rugby, volleyball, soccer and netball teams included cones, markers, shields, tackling hurdles and whistles.

Durbanville Children’s Home, Cape Town

This registered non-profit provides a place of safety for vulnerable children. The MRP Foundation helped fund a ‘starter pack’ for twelve school leavers to assist them with making a successful transition into their new life outside of the home. The thoughtful packs included basics that MRP Home vouchers was able to provide.

If you’d like to partner with us or make a donation, please do so here! Together, we can do more!

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