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The ABC’s of giving

Everyone can lend a helping hand with the MRP Foundation’s good work.

As NPOs are not created for profits, in order for MRP Foundation to become sustainable and continue our good work, ongoing funding is required and that’s where everyone can lend a helping hand - no matter how big or small.


Non-profit organisations (NPO), along with the government, the private sector and philanthropists, play a key role in taking care of South Africa’s most vulnerable. As one of the 80 000 NPOs in the country MRP Foundation is passionate about making a positive and lasting difference in the lives of young South Africans.

Through our 10 year journey of empowering South Africa’s youth, we have created pockets of excellence in 8 provinces. We believe that to truly make a difference in young lives teamwork is essential and have established partnerships with various stakeholders. By sharing knowledge and ideas we’re able to achieve far greater impact than we ever could alone.

As NPOs are not created for profits, in order for MRP Foundation to become sustainable and continue our good work, ongoing funding is required and that’s where everyone can lend a helping hand – no matter how big or small.

Upon making a donation a Section 18A letter entitles a taxpayer (individual, company, close corporation or trust) to deduct donations to certain public benefit organizations not exceeding 10% of taxable income.

As Archbishop Desmond Tutu once wisely said, “Do your little bit of good where you are. It’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelms the world.”

If you wish to build a better South Africa please donate here:

Name: MRP Foundation
Bank: ABSA Kingsmead
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ
Branch Code: 632005
Account: 4075526746

If you’d like to partner with us or make a donation, please do so here! Together, we can do more!

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Request a Section 18A Certificate