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The Joy Of Giving

This year MRP Foundation extended a helping hand  to 73 organisations across South Africa local causes by gifting them over R300,000 worth of value so that they could meet the needs of their beneficiaries.

This year MRP Foundation extended a helping hand to 73 organisation across South Africa local causes by gifting them over R300,000 worth of value so that they could meet the needs of their beneficiaries


“Generosity can have many expressions, including care, time, skill, intelligence, gifts, and money. I believe that one cannot omit any of these without curtailing them all.” Mark V. Ewert, The Generosity Path: Finding the Richness in Giving

The act of giving is a powerful virtue – it’s inspiring, fosters a sense of community and above all, cultivates joy. Alongside our programmes in education and skills development, we also donate a portion of our annual budget to caring organisations who serve communities across South Africa.

This year we shared R324,411 in value to 73 South African non-profit organisations and causes that also have a heart for empowering South Africa’s youth to unlock their full potential. These compassionate organisations support child-headed households, children’s homes and schools – to name a few. We have shared just three of these heartwarming donation stories to hopefully inspire us all to live more generous lives.

The University of Bloemfontein Choir, Free State
The talented choir group from House Villa Bravado, a res from the University of Bloemfontein Choir, approached us for vouchers to purchase performance clothes for their big upcoming Acapella Competition. We were delighted to provide them with MRP vouchers to choose their clothes – and were even more excited to hear that they impressed the judges and ended up winning some categories at the competition!

“Villa Bravado had achieved such a great record in the culture sphere of our campus. We have never been able to make it to the finals of this competition,  but this year, for the first time in almost nine years, we magically made it through, and received the following awards: Best Male Group, Best Entertainment Factor, Best Male Soloist, Best Prescribed Song, 2nd place for social media following and 2nd place overall. We would like to thank you for your impeccable donation. You have really invested so much pride and joy into each one of these participants.” Percy de Villiers, member responsible for Arts and Culture within House Villa Bravado.

Pinetown Primary School, KwaZulu-Natal
We had the joy of donating sports kits to netball and soccer learners from this Durban school. They were visibly thrilled to receive fresh new sports uniform that they can now wear with pride when they compete against other schools.

“Our U11 soccer and netball teams were delighted to receive their brand new kits, generously sponsored by MRP Foundation. Dressed like professionals from head to toe, our players will now take the fields and courts with pride this year. The kit even includes shin pads for every player and a captain’s armband to acknowledge leadership potential. Our goalkeeper couldn’t believe his eyes saying, “padded gloves – just like the ones Khune wears on TV” B King, Deputy Principal

Ingane Yami Children’s Village, KwaZulu-Natal
MRP Home vouchers to the value of R7,000 were donated to Ingane Yami Children’s Village to purchase bedroom equipment for the bedroom revamp of the children’s’ rooms. Ingane Yami is a phenomenal organisation in KwaZulu-Natal that provides a permanent and loving home to children who have been orphaned and abandoned.

“We had so much fun shopping at Argyle MRP Home, putting different sets together, and coming up with the perfect bedrooms for our boys, girls and moms! I wish you could have seen the look on our kids’ faces when they walked into their new homes! They were so excited! Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for spoiling our beloved children.” Patricia Deacon, Ingane Yami Marketing and Fundraising

We encourage you to spread the love by being kind, big-hearted and making someone’s day; with all of us joining hands we can help build a better future for South Africa. If you would like to share goodwill to even more young South Africans, pledge a donation here.

If you’d like to partner with us or make a donation, please do so here! Together, we can do more!

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